Postquantum Crypto Minischool

Taipei, Taiwan, July 12–15, 2022
Academia Sinica / Cyber Security Center of Excellence / International Association of Cryptologic Research


We have a registration link here. Please apply before May 31 to be sure of being considered.

Because it is June now and we are nearly full, we are closing the on-line form, please email to register as below, and we will accept if there is room in the order of email arrival; we will send out notification emails shortly.

Please register yourself. Or if you prefer, email Ms. Sinman Lin at with the subject "PQC Mini-School 2022" and include your name, affiliation, email and dietary restrictions. We need this last piece of information to provide catering.

If (and only required if) you need accommodations, please specify in addition the following:

Please indicate a participant name which you would like to share the same room, if any, and we will assign two students to one room with first preference being mutual agreement of student roommates, otherwise by random draw among the same gender. Email accommodation application to Ms. Seiya Pan at

Please await e-mail reconfirmation as free accommodations and seating may be limited, and we will examine your applications and allocate free accommodations only after we receive all applications. Thank you.


註冊連結 請上去註冊,或寄電子信件 給林芯滿小姐 ( 標題 "PQC Mini-School 2022") 請附上您的單位,姓名,電子郵件和忌口的食物。最後這點是以便準備便當。 五月31日前註冊才保證我們會受理。

由於已屆六月,且報名將滿,請欲報名參加者改為如下述來信報名, 如有空位, 我們會照順序受理您的報名,且近期就會寄送通知信。

如想要大會提供的住宿請提供以下各項 (沒有就不用)

且 如果有屬意的室友姓名也請提供姓名,我們會優先安排互相指定的學 生同房,否則就會同性二人一房隨機抽籤。申請住宿請寄 潘詩韻小 姐 (, 請注意我們會在申請截止後才 一起審查申請資料,分配大會提供的免費住宿並個別通知。
