Participants of PQC Mini-School 2022 can benefit from reduced room rates at Green World Hotel Nangang 南港洛碁大飯店. The rate is 2400 TWD per night.
We will provide (at least) 24 students who are living outside
Taipei City and New Taipei City with free accommodation of 3 nights
for double occupancy in
a room with twin beds. Those interested in free accommodations
please see "Registrations" for instructions or inquire as to details
to Ms. Seiya Pan (, and we will notify you
of the results individually after applications are closed.
Thanks to an IACR stipend,
we expect that applicants for housing will likely get it, but cannot
be 100% sure right now.
Other hotels close to the venue for your reference as follows.
1.The Place Taipei 南港老爺行旅
2.Forward Hotel Taipei台北馥華商旅(南港館)
3.Courtyard Taipei台北六福萬怡酒店
4.Fushin Taipei富信大飯店
本講習會和 洛碁大飯店 (Green World Hotel Nangang)
合作,能以每晚 2400 TWD 價錢預訂房間。
外學生住宿。欲申請住宿者請看 "Registration" 頁或來信詢問,主旨請寫
"Accommodation for PQC Mini-School 2022",
我們預計申請住宿者能獲得大會補助的機會很高, 但並不能 100% 保證。
聯絡人: 潘詩韻小姐 (
1.The Place Taipei 南港老爺行旅
2.Forward Hotel Taipei台北馥華商旅(南港館)
3.Courtyard Taipei台北六福萬怡酒店
4.Fushin Taipei富信大飯店