The venue will be the Lecture Hall at the Institute of Information Science at the Academia Sinica. You may need change or an MRT card to take a bus.
- From Nangang Exhibition Hall MRT Station cross the street after coming out of Exit 5 and take the 205, 212, 276, 306, 620, 645, 679, Mini(M) 6, Small(S) 1, Small 5, or Small 12 bus lines to Academia Sinica. One can walk from the MRT station to Academia Sinica in about 20 min.
- From Nangang Station (the MRT stop) take Exit 2 and take the Blue(BL) 25, 270, or 212 Express bus lines to Academia Sinica.
- To take a taxi, show the following paragraph to the driver
中央研究院 資訊科學研究所
Academia Sinica, Institute of Information Science
128 Section 2 Academia Road, Taipei
Ask the taxi driver to enter the campus through the main gate. After passing through that gate, turn left and then right left, the I.I.S. will be the third building on your left.