
provisional pdf.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

09:00 Registration
09:40 Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems (I)
Bo-Yin Yang
10:55 Coffee Break
11:10 Isogeny-Based Cryptography -- an Overview (I)
Wouter Castryck
12:25 Lunch Break
13:55 Lattice-Based Public Key Cryptosystems (I)
Daniel J. Bernstein
15:10 Coffee Break
15:25 Isogeny-Based Cryptography -- an Overview (II)
Wouter Castryck
16:30 Lattice-Based Public Key Cryptosystems (II)
Daniel J. Bernstein
17:45 End

Thursday, 28 June 2018

09:00 Registration
09:40 Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems (II)
Bo-Yin Yang
10:55 Coffee Break
11:10 Code-Based Public Key Cryptosystems (I)
Tanja Lange
12:25 Lunch Break
13:55 Hash-Based Digital Signatures
Peter Schwabe
15:10 Coffee Break
15:25 Code-Based Public Key Cryptosystems (II)
Tanja Lange
16:30 Implementing Post-Quantum Cryptography
Peter Schwabe
17:45 End

Friday 29 June 2018

09:00 Registration
09:40 Indeterminate Equation Public-key Cryptosystem, Giophantus
Koichiro Akiyama
10:25 Coffee Break
10:40 Lizard NIST Submission
Jung Hee Cheon
11:25 Classic McEliece
Tung Chou
12:10 Lunch Break
13:30 McNie NIST Submission
Jon-Lark Kim
14:15 On the use of Frobenius map to accelerate polynomial multiplication with Cantor FFT
Chen-Mou Cheng
15:00 Coffee Break
15:15 CSIDH: using supersingular elliptic curves to speed up the Couveignes-Rostovtsev-Stolbunov protocol
Wouter Castryck
16:00 The role of quantum side-information in post-quantum cryptography
Kai-Min Chung (cancelled b/c he has to welcome his first-born)
16:45 NTRU Prime
Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange
17:30 End