20 years ago I started my IACR publication trail with CHES and PKC,
and still represent those subcommunities. Since then I have been an
active member of our community with a long service record:
- PC member and chair (Program co-Chair: PKC 2016, CHES 2024,
Asiacrypt 2025);
- organizer of numerous IACR events (General co-Chair: CHES 2017,
Asiacrypt 2022, TCC 2023, upcoming RWC 2026; earlier I was part of the team for Asiacrypt 2014 and PKC 2016), plus many other
conferences and workshops (QCrypt 2022, upcoming ECC 2024, PQCrypto
- an early disciple and noted implementor of Postquantum Cryptography;
- on PQCrypto, Asiacrypt and CHES steering committees; and
- actively participating in IACR board meetings since 2021 (elected member 2022-24; I was an appointed member as an AC22 co-GC during 2021).
To those who were in Taipei for PKC 2016, CHES 2017, QCrypt 2022,
Asiacrypt 2022 or TCC 2023: I consider myself experienced and adept in
conference logistics, which is part of my contributions. I hope you
enjoyed. Simultaneously, working on these conferences got me into
closer contact with my voters, letting me understand them and how the
IACR works a lot better.
I think running conferences, program
committees, and planning conferences long-term combines to gives me a
rare multi-faceted, kaleidoscopic perspective of the IACR and its
people, the better to serve you with.
I am ready to continue on the Board of Directors as a long-term
commitment to the IACR. If elected again to the BoD, I will
- promote geographic and cultural inclusiveness in our events as
well as inclusiveness of all areas of cryptographic research and
internal cohesion in our community;
- actively embrace real-world cryptographers who
find it necessary to publish at security venues within our own
- encourage openness and reproducibility: more published code,
artifact submissions, and formal verification of code, proofs, and
protocols; and
- continue to contribute my energy and resources to prop up the
already-stretched-thin IACR volunteer workforce.
More information
- Recent Program Committee Experiences:
- {PQCrypto, SAC}'16, {ACNS, PQCrypto, SAC}'17,
{PQCrypto,Asiacrypt,SAC}'18, PQCrypto'19, {PQCrypto,Indocrypt}'20.
{IWSEC,Asiacrypt,PQCrypto}'21, {PKC'22,Eurocrypt,PQCrypto}'22.,
{PQCrypto,ACMCCS}'23, {Crypto,Asiacrypt}'24
- Editorial Boards:
- TCHES 2018, 20-22, 24-25 (this editorial board is the CHES PC).
- Conference Organization:
- PQCrypto Steering Comm since 2008,
Asiacrypt Steering Comm since 2019.
CHES Steering Comm since 2023.
- For Even more information including publications:
- see